Toxicology – Drink/Drug Driving
Our forensic toxicologists have a wealth of experience in assessing cases where impairment is alleged through the use of alcohol or illicit drugs. They have significant expertise in so called ‘back calculations’ to assess alcohol levels at the time of driving.
Our toxicologists hold Batchelor of Science degrees in Physiology with Chemistry and have worked as a forensic scientists (specialising in forensic toxicology) for over thirty years.
They are frequently called upon to comment on cases brought under Section 5 of the Road Traffic Act where it is alleged that a driver is driving with excess alcohol. They are able to assess intoximeter results and comment upon the findings with due regard for technical defences such as post incident drinking, ‘spiked’ drinks or unwitting consumption of alcohol in other drinks or food.
In drug cases we are able to consider toxicology reports and findings with due regard for levels of drugs found and to comment on these. We consider the findings and whether consistent with recent consumption and can comment on the properties and effects of the drugs.
A particular issue has arisen where clients have been charged with driving offences relating to the consumption of drugs, but where the consumption is claimed to be post driving.
We have recently put forward cogent logic in challenging prosecution evidence in such matters and the findings of drug-readings in samples. The scandal involving Randox and allegations of manipulated drug test data has rightly raised concerns over the veracity of such results which has led to a police investigation and the review of hundreds of cases.
We have also been asked to provide expert evidence in a number of headline cases involving drug-related deaths where evidence regarding toxicology is disputed.
As experienced forensic toxicologists they have commented on a wide variety of cases including drug facilitated sexual assaults, murders and suspicious deaths and are frequently providing evidence on the effects of illicit and prescription drugs.