Drug Expert Witnesses

Allen Morgan Associates are a leading team of acknowledged and accredited drug expert witnesses who provide independent and expert comment in criminal law cases. We provide expert evidence on drug valuations, drug trafficking, drug production, cannabis plant yields, drug trends, drug usage and behaviour associated with drug use.

We have extensive experience of cases involving the Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA) and Mobile Telephone Text Message Interpretation.

Our Forensic Scientist also undertakes the forensic analysis of controlled drugs commenting upon drug identifications, drug purities, adulterants, packaging and our Toxicologist comments on drug and drink drive cases along with evidence of drug effects.

We conduct a number of conferences and training seminars for Chambers, Solicitors Firms and other organisations on drug-related issues with recent events in London, Cardiff, Liverpool, Birmingham and Manchester.

If you would like us to provide you with a seminar on drug-related issues we are more than happy to travel to you and to provide free and informative talks offering current insight into issues regularly encountered.

Our training team have delivered cost-effective courses to a variety of organisations, educational establishments and professionals from a wide range of disciplines covering current and relevant drug-related issues.

What we do

Expert Evidence Services

Expert Evidence Services

Find out what our team of drug experts can assist you with. Click here to find out more about what we do.

Drug Expert Reports

Drug Expert Reports

We provide reports challenging drug valuations, cannabis cultivation set ups, POCA valuations, patterns of consumption and interpretation of text messages.

Forensic Drug Analysis

Forensic Drug Analysis

Our Forensic Scientists will provide reports assessing controlled drug identification, drug purities, packaging and cannabis plant yields.

Proceeds of Crime Act

Our expertise in drug valuations and drug distribution networks allows us to assess and comment upon POCA cases where drug valuations form part of the benefit figure.

Drug Lectures

Drug Lectures and Training

We conduct a number of conferences and training seminars for Chambers, Solicitors Firms and other organisations on drug-related issues.

Been arrested

Been Arrested

Have you been arrested for drug related offences? Read our advice page and find out what we do here.